Women's Resource Centre Bermuda

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WRC 2023 Domestic Abuse Campaign

The Women’s Resource Centre partners with the New York City Mayors Office to launch Domestic Abuse Awareness Campaign

The Women’s Resource Centre (WRC) in partnership with the New York City Mayors Office has launched a powerful awareness campaign for Domestic Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month.

The campaign is designed to raise awareness and educate the community on the confusing and insidious cycle of abuse.

The collaboration is thanks to Ms. Tammy Richardson-Augustus, a survivor and advocate, who was moved when she saw the campaign in New York City in 2012.  Ms. Richardson-Augustus recently reached out to Yolanda Jiminez from the New York City Mayor’s Office and has worked with them to redevelop the campaign for use here in Bermuda.

With an emphasis on the non-physical forms of domestic abuse, the ad campaign employs a novel strategy of reaching women who may be in mentally and emotionally abusive relationships before physical violence begins. Using bold words and imagery, the campaign intends to grab attention and provoke reflection.

Ms. Richarson- Augustus said:

“A singular focus on physical violence can obscure the reality. Abuse takes many forms that do not necessarily involve direct physical assault and some that lead to or are accompanied by physical violence. Emotional, verbal, economic and sexual abuse, stalking and coercive control are forms of abuse that are prevalent in almost all cases of domestic violence.”

The campaign was successful in New York City in raising awareness on the non-physical signs of abuse in intimate partner relationships and we hope to have a similar impact here in Bermuda.

"The scars of emotional abuse can be just as devastating as those of physical abuse." said Yolanda Jimenez, former New York City Commissioner to Combat Domestic Violence.

“The NYC campaign was effective in raising awareness of the fraught issue of abuse and resulted in a substantial increase in calls to the City's Domestic violence hotline. I am thrilled that Tammy Richardson-Augustus is working with the Women’s Resource Centre and will be able to make this happen for the residents of Bermuda.”

The Women’s Resource Centre supports victims and survivors of domestic abuse by providing access to counselling and therapeutic support programmes designed to help women rebuild their lives after abuse.

Additionally, the WRC is engaged in advocacy and awareness efforts to educate the community, break the stigma and prevent the occurrence of abuse wherever possible.

Ms. Juanae Crockwell, Executive Director of the Women’s Resource Centre, said:

“We are deeply grateful to partner with Ms. Richardson-Augustus and the New York City Mayor’s Office to bring this powerful awareness campaign to Bermuda. So many women and families are impacted by abuse annually, and we are committed to raising awareness on this silent epidemic that has very loud repercussions for our community.”

“We are also committed to providing survivors with trauma informed care and becoming the support network many need to recover from the emotional scars of abuse.”

Global domestic abuse statistics show that almost one in three—or 736 million—women above the age of 15 have experienced intimate partner violence.  In Bermuda it is projected that 7,000 women will experience domestic abuse during their lifetime, with an estimated 3,000 women having experienced intimate partner abuse in the last 12 months.

Jose Bandujo, President of Bandujo Advertising and Design, the agency contracted to develop the original campaign, said:

“It’s always tremendously fulfilling for us as an advertising agency when we can apply our creative talents in ways that are so meaningful. We applaud Tammy Richardson-Augustus for helping the women of Bermuda understand the signs of abuse and the Women’s Resource Centre for providing them with a free, safe, and confidential space in which to seek assistance.”

To support survivors, members of the community can donate to the Women’s Resource Centre, ensuring that any woman who has experienced abuse will have a safe space to recover. Please visit www.wrcbermuda.com or call the Women’s Resource Centre office at 295-3882.